Pyrotechnics&Fireworks 特殊効果


Airburst Silver

Bursts into a spherical form in the sky. Size varies depending on the amount of explosive used.
Comet Silver

A Silver Star rises as, drawing slender line. A variety of heights are available.
Laser Comet Red

A Star rises as, drawing slender line. A variety of heights, and colors and tails are available
Gerb Silver

Fountain of sparks. There are various burning times and heights.
Quickshot Gerb

A Fountain like a spark pops out immediately. Different heights are available.
Mine White

A Stars that become a radial bundle cast into the air. Like a bouquet of flowers. A range of sizes and effects are availableproduced.
戦争映画やテレビドラマ等でも利用されておりますナパーム弾のような爆発効果です。 ロックコンサートなどのステージ特効でも比較的多く採用されております。

Used in war movies and TV dramas, has an explosive effect like that of a napalm shell. Used relatively frequently in rock concert on-stage special effects.
Multishot Comet

A fixed number of stars are shot into the air during fixed duration. volume is shot into the air at fixed intervals within a fixed time frame.
Multishot Mine Silver

A Stars that become a radial bundle cast into the air. Like a bouquet of flowers. A range of sizes and effects produced.
10-shot Comet Color

Effect rises as if drawing a thin, straight line through the sky. Shooting star. Height, colors, and so on vary.
10-shot Comet Gold Glitter

Effect rises as if drawing a thin, straight line through the sky. Shooting star. Height, colors, and so on vary.
10-shot Crossette Color

Effect rises as if drawing a thin, straight line through space, ultimately scattering and expanding across the sky. Height, colors, and so on vary.

Creating flame type effect shaped as column.
Mortar Hit

Create a fireball effect in the sky.
Flicker Green

Flashes of light that flicker. Torch-like. Duration, color vary.
Flash Tray

Effect like a two-dimensional wall of sparks.
Saxon Green Silver

White sprinkling sparks that rotate at high speeds. Ring of flames. Combustion is divided into two stages. Reversing direction at a halfway point is possible.
文字通り、「滝」です。見た目は花火大会でもお馴染みのナイアガラと同様の効果ですが、 ステージ・エフェクトで使用されるものは、成分や構造が異なるもので、燃焼残渣や煙が少ないのが特徴です。

As the name suggests, a waterfall. Though in appearance similar to a mainstay of fireworks festivals, the “Niagara”, when used as a stage effect, its components and structure differ. Its special characteristic is the minimal amount of residue and smoke that remains after an explosion.
打上煙火 (Fireworks)

Shooting Common type of round shells in Fireworks festivals. There are various effect in various Fireworks, however, they require a wide space of shooting area.